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This Thing Called Time

Honestly, it’s just crazy! The older I get, the faster life seems to run. I thought that it would slow down a little as the kids got older. I figured that not having to run after little ones would afford me a little more time and freedom. Although this is true in some respects, it just seems that life has picked up a velocity that keeps churning, spinning and pushing me to the brink of exhaustion. 

The beautiful balmy breeze in South Florida and brilliant sunshine taunt me as I yearn to spend a lazy day at the beach.  Scratch that. Did I say “day”? I really meant at least a month. Heck, I’ll take a day-who am I kidding? I KNOW I’m not the only one who feels this way, right?

Several years ago I asked a friend’s mother a question as I pondered this same dilemma that was plaguing me back then. She must have been in her mid 70’s when I asked her a series of probing questions concerning this warp speed that my life had taken on.

“WHEN-Please tell me when this will slow down? Will it slow down? Does it ever slow down?” I’ll never forget her response. She looked at me through her thick glasses and said, “Oh yes, dear. It does slow down.  After the grandchildren are all grown up, it starts to slow down a bit.”



Categories: Life Lessons
  1. March 5, 2012 at 2:13 pm

    Truth is time never slows down. Of course we we all know that fact. Events are what we have to manage. When events in our lives increase at a rapid rate we fell like time is rushing. Truth is events are rushing. Take time to have time. Brakes on a car have a real value without them we will crash. Americans think that unless they are franticlly doing something they are not productive. Remeber the song , ” Slow down you move to fast, got to make the morning last.” BEACH for me!!

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